Are you ready to connect your solar, wind, or hydropower generating system to Fall River's grid? If so, click here.
The provided information is intended to be a guide and is not all inclusive. Members of Fall River Electric Cooperative bear the responsibility to do their own due diligence in asking the appropriate questions, conducting their own review of the costs and estimated generation, checking the financial projections offered by vendors and signing agreements.

Fall River Electric Cooperative has installed solar panels and a wind turbine demonstration unit at our Ashton office. Below is a chart showing the energy generation of those two units throughout 2023. Solar generation is in green and wind in blue. Solar generated over two times what wind did.

Fall River is here to help you with your decision to purchase a solar system for your home. Fall River has created a checklist and frequently asked questions to help you along the way. A maximum of 25 kW is allowed on a Fall River grid-tied system.
FAQ SOLAR Solar Checklist Solar RFP Guide Local Solar Installers Rooftop Solar Calculator
To help Fall River Electric (FRE) owner-members better understand their option of wind power installation at their home or business Fall River has some frequently asked questions to assist you.
Wind Power uses wind to turn the rotation of windmill blades which turn electric generators that produce electricity.
Other than the cost to install a wind turbine and maintenance of it, wind is a free resource. Wind power also creates virtually no emissions and is clean, renewable power.
Yes, the wind does not blow continually to turn turbine blades so power generation is not consistent or reliable as compared to other sources. Construction and maintenance costs may not justify the power generated.
Yes, wind turbines are known to kill eagles, hawks, migratory birds, bats and insects. Additionally, wind turbines have a life expectancy of 15 to 25 years at which time those materials will have to be recycled.
Based on the results of electricity generated by the wind turbine installed at FRE as a demonstration unit, it is highly unlikely that a typical wind turbine can totally replace what a member receives from FRE but the net metering program can allow members to supplement their power costs.
As we all realize, not everything you read on the internet is accurate or truthful. As for local companies, FRE has had positive experience with several local vendors however, any company that promises you will never have to pay a power bill in the future are likely overpromising.
No, however FRE purchases about 1% of its power mix from wind farm generation which contributes to FRE being 95% carbon-free.