Fall River Electric Cooperative Returns Excess Funds to You!
You own this Cooperative, which operates as a nonprofit. All revenue exceeding the cost to provide electric service is allocated back to you in the form of Patronage Capital. Once allocated on an annual basis, your patronage capital is held by the Cooperative for approximately 20 years as a resource to rebuild aging infrastructure, increase capacity, maintain reliability, and to operate the Cooperative. This system helps keep your rates low and your service reliable.
Each April your Cooperative mails you a summary of the Patronage Capital you have earned and each December, based on the financial condition of the Co-op, the Board pays qualifying members their Patronage Capital. To learn more about one of the greatest benefits of being an owner-member of Fall River Electric Cooperative watch this video.

Fall River Electric Cooperative's average residential rate is the LOWEST in the nation!
This map is provided annually by the U.S. Energy Information Administration and shows the average residential kilowatt hour charge in each state in 2022 compared to Fall River Electric Cooperative's 2024 rate.
Fall River Electric Cooperative's average rate of 2024 is based on 1,500 kWhs per month PLUS the Access Fee and a Demand charge of 11 kW.