It’s only nickels and dimes, but with everyone contributing, it adds up fast.
Fall River Helping Hands relies on donations from members to provide emergency energy assistance to other members who have an immediate and urgent need. It is a fund of last resort.
You can donate to Fall River Helping Hands for as little as 50 cents a month. Combined with the donations of others, your spare change can have a big impact. You can donate in three easy ways:
Round up your bill to the nearest dollar. For example, if your bill is $73.80, you would pay $74 and the remaining 20 cents would be deposited into the Fall River Helping Hands fund.
Make a reoccurring monthly donation of any amount.
Make a one-time donation.
Sign up now to start giving to Fall River Helping Hands.
Fall River Helping Hands is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations are tax deductible. Donated funds are distributed through the Fall River Helping Hands Board of Directors, made up of community-minded members just like you.
A little change goes a long way when you donate to Fall River Helping Hands.
Application forms
Helping Hands Application ENGLISH
Helping Hands Application SPANISH