Fall River's Green Power Program
Our Commitment to Green Power
Fall River is committed to protecting the environment in which our members work and live.
By signing up for Green Power, you help offset the additional cost of Green Power projects and ensure the continued development of environmentally-sensitive power to meet our future electricity demand.
The Green Power we offer to members is a combination of locally produced small hydropower and clean, renewable green energy that comes from landfill gas.

Power from Local Hydropower
Fall River has three certified Low Impact Certification, which means that the hydropower facility has been found the Institute to meet or exceed the Institutes Certification Criteria which addresses eight key areas: ecological flow regimes, water quality, upstream fish passage, downstream fish passage and protection, shoreline and watershed protection, threatened endangered species protection, cultural and historic resource projection, and recreational resources.
Fall River's projects are in Idaho and certified as low impact by the Low Impact Hydropower Institute's (LIHI)
Island Park Hydropower Project - Certified in 2001
Buffalo River Hydropower Project - Certified in 2006
Chester Hydropower Project - Certified in 2016
About LIHI
LIHI is a nonprofit organization that offers a low-impact certification to help reduce the impacts of hydropower generation across the country.
LIHI is composed of representatives from federal agencies, fish and river advocacy organizations, and the power industry.
See www.lowimpacthydro.org for more information.
Power from Landfill Gas
At the Coffin Butte Resource Project, Green Power is produced by harvesting methane gas from a regional landfill in central Oregon. Methane gas is 21 times worse than carbon dioxide in terms of preventing heat loss from the atmosphere.
Fall River receives renewable energy credits for 3% of the total power produced-roughly 1.2 mWhs annually.