Fall River Electric is excited to announce, our first-ever community solar project!
Cooperative Solar allows for members of Fall River Electric to benefit from solar energy production, even if they can't put solar on their own rooftop. Subscribing members will be guaranteed a "one to one" kilowatt hour exchange for the next twenty-four years! For every kilowatt hour of solar generation, you will receive a credit for a kilowatt hour. Each month you'll see that credit on your statement for the kilowatt-hours of solar power your units generate. No need to spend thousands of dollars for your own rooftop solar system when you can sign up with Fall River, plus you’ll be contributing to helping our local environment!
Estimated production per subscription
94 kWhs per year per unit
To view System Performance click here
To sign up follow two simple steps
Complete the agreement and email or mail it back to Fall River Electric.
Await your confirmation email or letter!
Fall River has a limited number of solar units available for subscription and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
How much will each subscription cost?
$150 per solar unit, up to 50 units per member.
Who is eligible?
Residential and commercial members* who are in good standing.
What happens if I move?
Solar subscriptions are transferrable to a new account within Fall River's service territory. Fall River will also buy back on a pro-rated basis the remaining life of the contract if a member moves out of Fall River Electric’s service territory upon a written request.
Can I transfer my units?
Yes, units may be transferred to another eligible member of Fall River Electric or units may be donated to low-income families.
How will I see my generation credits?
Each month the generation from your “solar units” will show up as a line item on your monthly billing statement.
What if my units generate more than my actual usage?
Any excess generation, above your home's actual use, would be purchased by the Cooperative at Fall River Electric’s wholesale rates. Any credit balance would forward to your next monthly bill.
*Not available for irrigation accounts or prepaid meters.