My name is Ron Hansen. I grew up in Teton Valley and have farmed and ranched for almost 45 years. I received my bachelor’s degree in Technology Education at BYU-Provo, where I attended on an athletic scholarship. I volunteered for missionary service in New Zealand and spent 30-plus years involved in coaching.
I have served on the County Farm Bureau Board and was the president, attending the Western Regional Leadership Conference. Farm Bureau participates in conventions to discuss and amend statewide policies to guide legislature regarding agricultural issues. I am currently active on Teton County’s Soil Conservation District board, which organizes soil health and weed workshops, as well as farm tours. I was also invited to sit in on Committee of Nine meetings for the East Idaho Water District. On a personal note, I have worked to improve my irrigation efficiency by doing energy audits and installing upgrades that reduced power usage and overall costs.
Reliable and affordable power is important to all of us. I want to do my part to help continue the service that Fall River Electric has traditionally provided to all its members. I believe that as the growth and demands increase in Fall River’s service area, this will be a challenge board members will have to continue to address. It is important to work with other groups whose objectives are in line with our members’ values and needs, doing our best to protect the integrity of the cooperative when they are not.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve Fall River Electric’s owner-members on the Board of Directors for the last three years. In this short time, I have learned how complex and fast-moving the electric industry is and that our rural electric co-op is truly one of the best in its class. While serving the co-op includes fulfilling the roles of financial oversight, governance, and informed decision making, it starts with a commitment to serving our members.
I have been entrusted with a leadership role to best represent our members’ interests. This means listening to our members and being knowledgeable about current and emerging energy issues facing the region and our co-op. Understanding these issues will be especially important in the next three years as we engage in making decisions impacting the future of our power supply. I have actively sought out director education, earning a Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate and working toward my Board Leadership Certification. I currently serve on the “Scholarship Committee,” and I am the Finance Committee chairperson.
As the Grants Director for Friends of the Teton River, I bring 20 years of professional experience in nonprofit communications, fundraising, and financial administration to my board service. In my job, I oversee fundraising for $3-$5 million dollars in project budgets annually, but what has been most fulfilling is getting to know and work with a diverse cross-section of the community. Outside of work and board service, my family spends most of our time outdoors fishing, hunting, biking, skiing, and gardening.
I am proud to be a part of Fall River’s commitment to keeping energy costs low, safely providing reliable power, assisting our members through programs like Helping Hands, giving back through educational scholarships and food drives, and investing in technologies such as Community Solar and EV’s, as well as supporting energy conservation and renewable energy options. I am committed to continued engagement in our electric cooperative, and I would be honored to represent you on the Fall River Board of Directors for a second term.
My name is Owen Moulton and I am running for a director seat on the Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative Board of Directors. I grew up on a cattle ranch in Teton Valley. At a young age, I learned the value of hard work and to appreciate the experience of living and working on a ranch. I was taught to respect and value the beauty and natural resources of the area, which ultimately led me to the various businesses I have operated over the years. In 1978, my wife and I purchased a local feed mill. In time, we grew that grain processing business into a full-service operation for area farmers and ranchers, eventually establishing a satellite fertilizer plant in Driggs. Inevitably, the beauty of the valley was discovered, and with that, the needs of the community naturally evolved and shifted to meet the new housing demands; as a result, there was less need for farming and ranching services. We quickly acclimated and transformed our business to a residential focus. This business gives me an opportunity to work alongside of, and engage with, many other local business owners and residents of the community working together to improve where we live. I enjoy a challenge and will find a path to a resolution. I also bring a positive outlook, find satisfaction in hard-work, and naturally deliver a common-sense approach to leadership. I will dedicate the time and initiative necessary to be a meaningful contributor to the board. I would really appreciate your vote. Thank you.
DISTRICT 7 (South Island Park) - BRUCE ARD
My reason for running for the Fall River Rural Electric Board of Directors is to give back to the community. I believe my experience in community service would make me be a good board member.
I served on the Ammon City Council and was mayor for 24 years. I was appointed by Governor Otter to the 7th Judicial Commission and served for 8 years. I served as a board member and chairman of Bonneville Metropolitan Planning Organization. I served on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Idaho Regional Sewer District. I was a board member, and chairman of Ammon Urban Renewal Agency. I served as president of the Island Park Snowmobile Club for two years. I currently serve on the Island Park City Council as council president.
The last 30 years of my career as an agronomist, I worked for and managed fertilizer and chemical plants under the cooperative system. I understand the cooperative systems business model of patronage, patrons, and capital finance needs.
During my career as an agronomist and with my 24 years as councilman and mayor, I have worked closely with environmental issues. I have worked with the DEQ and EPA in both of these capacities. One example was being a part of the East Idaho Regional Sewer Plant and serving the City of Ammon, City of Shelley, areas of Bonneville, and Bingham County. This project took 10 years from concept to completion. This was done with state-of-the-art technology and a much smaller footprint than traditional treatment plants and produces drinking water quality discharge, which is much cleaner than the Snake River it flows into.
I believe we must all be environmentalist and good stewards. There must be a balance between good sustainable business practice, service to patrons, and the environment. I have always been willing to do the research and study to accomplish these three goals. Because of this I believe I am a practicing environmentalist, not just a talking environmentalist.
My wife Laurie and I have been patrons of Fall River Rural Electric for over 14 years. We have lived full time in Island Park for the last five years. I am retired and have the time to attend meetings, trainings, and travel as needed to become certified as a director by NRECA.
If elected, I pledge to serve the patrons and Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative as a devoted board member to the best of my knowledge and ability. I would appreciate your support and your vote.
Thank you for your consideration.
DISTRICT 7 (South Island Park) - JODI STIEHL
Hello fellow Co-op members. I have represented District 7 South Island Park on our board for 3 years and I am seeking reelection. I hold the office of secretary/treasurer on our board, sit on the board of the statewide Montana Electric Cooperative Association, and have received certification from the NRECA. I have been committed to our Co-op by being engaged on the complexity of issues in providing electricity to our Co-op members. Our service area has seen substantial growth and to accommodate this we are planning large system investments in the next 5 years, and we are in contract conversations to secure our energy future. FRREC is in the best financial condition in its 80-year history. We were able to return $1.7 million in patronage capital, in addition to a $1.5 million instant owner rebate, while decreasing rates. We are in a very dynamic period regarding our changing energy grid, and I am motivated to continue to serve our members through these changing times. I have been a full-time engaged resident of Island Park since 2006 and my husband and I are partners with TroutHunter. At a young age, my father instilled in me the worth of rural electric Co-ops providing low-cost reliable power to our neighbors and the strength that comes from member participation. I would be honored to continue to serve on our electric cooperative and I ask for your vote during this election. Thank you from someone aspiring to learn the banjo.
DISTRICT 9 (West Yellowstone) - DOUG SCHMIER
I am seeking and willing to serve as your director of Fall River Electric for an additional 3-year term from District 9, which covers the Montana district. I am up for reelection at the annual meeting of Fall River Electric members held in June of 2022 and ask for your vote.
I am currently active in community events, along with other Chamber of Commerce activities and the Town of West Yellowstone. My brother and I are co-owners of our family business in West Yellowstone. I believe that customer service and helping others is vital to the success of the community.
I have enjoyed the opportunity and am honored to have served my fellow owner-member for the last 12 years. While doing so, I have maintained my Board Leadership Certification at the Gold level, as recognized by the National Rural Electric Co-op Association, to continue to learn and stay current in subjects important to serving as a director. This is my commitment and willingness to continue to serve the members as a Board of Director for Fall River Electric.
I have served in all officer positions of the board and currently serve as the past president, which has allowed me to further recognize the needs and direction that we as members face. The challenges are many and great, and I believe and trust that the Fall River Electric Board of Directors will make the best decisions to guide us into the future. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of that future and exercise my talents and leadership for the benefit of all the members of Fall River Electric.
I have continued to stay focused on issues that are currently affecting us, as well as the issues that are further on the horizon that will impact us in the future. It is important that we stay engaged in the industry. I am active as a board member of the Northwest Public Power Association, which covers the nine western states and part of British Columbia. I am currently serving as secretary and will become the 2nd Vice President at the annual meeting held in May of this year. This participation brings value to the owner-member of Fall River Electric. I am proud to be your voice to shape the future for the benefits Fall River Electric can receive on behalf of all its members.
When not engaged in Fall River Electric, I enjoy outdoor activities, woodworking, and doing projects with my wife, Stacey. I also enjoy being chair of the Music in the Park committee and anything that brings value to the community. I keep in touch with family, including our three adult children and nine grandchildren. “Grandkids are really fun!”
Thank You!