The 2025 Energy Expo will be held Saturday, June 21

at North Fremont High School in Ashton starting with a FREE breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by the annual Business Meeting at 10 a.m.

Three seats on Fall River Electric's Board of Directors will be up for election this year including District 4, east Driggs, District 7, southern Island Park, and District 9 the West Yellowstone area.


If you would like to be a candidate for one of these three districts, you can petition to be on the ballot. Deadline to submit your petition is April 27, 2025.

Petitions must be signed by fifteen (15) active members of the Co-op that live within the same district as the potential candidate. Qualifications for board members can be found at



Fall River Electric Cooperative's '24 Energy Expo was held on Saturday, June 8, 2024 in Driggs ID at Teton High. 

The election of three board members out of six candidates was completed along with dozens of free prizes given away. The first 300 members that attended received a FREE portable insulated backpack and some 500 members received an energy conservation kit which included a solar charging power bank, night lights, a door sweep, ShowerStart, and two LED bulbs. Members also visited over 24 vendor booths, attend a high-voltage electric safety demonstration, and member test drives of Fall River's Tesla electric vehicle. Kids enjoyed bounce houses, bucket truck rides, a climbing wall, and a number of STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) activities along with cotton candy.


Here are the 2024 voting results:

DISTRICT 1 – Rexburg/Rigby

Brent "Husk" Crowther - 1,638

DISTRICT 5 – West Driggs/Tetonia

Brent Robson - 1,162

Robert "Bob" Foster - 437

Ray Suitter - 227

DISTRICT 6 – Ashton

Dede Draper - 1,355

Marshall Merrell - 414

All three elected board members will each fill a three-year term extending to June 2027 and will join the other six members that comprise the board charged with overseeing the business affairs of the Cooperative and ensuring it remains financially sound. All board members must live within the physical boundaries of the district seat open for election but represent ALL owner-members of the Cooperative.